Kriss' Internet Corner

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Stopper! for Mac OS 9?

Stopper for OS9

For those who don't know; I am a software developer by hobby and by profession. And I am also a computer nerd, loving older computers and operative systems. It just so happened that I recently got myself a PowerBook G4 Titanium from 2001. In my opinion it is one of the best computers Apple has ever made, and it was the first computer to use the design that is used even in today's unibody MacBooks.

This PowerBook is also one of the last computers from Apple who is able to run Mac OS 9 natively, so of course I wanted to experiment with it. And one of the things I did was to port my stopwatch tool Stopper to the 17 year old OS. Why you might ask? Why not!

Stopper is an application I like to port to new systems just for fun. It is a small application, so it's easy to port. The result is Stopper for Mac OS 9. Based on the Mac OS X version, it incorporates all the features found in it, including multiple instances, and HTML export.


If you want to give it a try, you can download it here! Please note that it might not be accurate. Mac OS 9 has a very bad multitasking system, meaning that anything the computer does, or anything you do, might affect the accuracy of the stopwatch/timer.


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

I also have versions of Stopper for Windows CE, Windows Phone and even the Casio PB-700 portable computer from the early 80s. But that is a different story :)

Sist endret: 22. Sep 2016, 09:47


Jonny Jacobsen sier

Dato: 29. Sep 2016, 06:43

Det var en flott timer. Når kommer Windows versjonen?

Kriss-André Jacobsen sier

Dato: 30. Sep 2016, 13:24

Den er vel rundt halvveis utviklet, og har vært det i over ett år nå. Jeg bruker jo nesten ikke Windows privat lenger, så det har rett og slett ikke blitt prioritert. Men jeg håper jo at jeg engang gjør den ferdig :)



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